5 Night Couples Getaway to Anguilla
5 Night Couples Getaway to Anguilla
Meads Bay, AI
Meads Bay, AI
Your maximum bid: $7,500
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Buy It Now Price: $11,000
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Enjoy a five night romantic getaway to Anguilla. You’ll stay at Malliouhana, the iconic oceanfront resort set atop a bluff that rolls down to pristine white sands and azure-blue sea. Spacious beachfront accommodations, a cascading infinity pool, and newly installed beach bar epitomize relaxation. Lounge amidst the privacy of Turtle Cove, stroll mile-long Meads Bay Beach, or take in Anguilla’s rich culinary scene - you’ll feel at home with our easy island lifestyle. Includes: - 5 nights in Ocean View Guestroom for Two - $250 Resort Credit - Special Welcome Amenity Ocean View Guestrooms include an expansive private terrace to take in the gentle sea breezes, and a roomy 775-875 square feet to spread out. Location: Meads Bay, AI Details: 5 nights / 1 bedrooms / Sleeps up to 2 Restrictions: Subject to availability. Not valid Sept - Oct, during Festive Holiday season (Late Dec to early Jan), President's Day weekend, mid-March until Easter. Must book package within 12 months of purchase. Valid: Valid November to August
A note from Urban League Twin Cities: Many of you have already made donations to support the work of the Urban League Twin Cities. We appreciate your generosity during times that have challenged all of us. The reality is demand for ULTC services and advocacy has spiked during the pandemic and resulting economic crisis. Proceeds from the Unity Ball will strengthen and expand Urban League programs and capacity in workforce development, asset and wealth accumulation, health and wellness, education, civic engagement and public policy research and advocacy.
We greatly appreciate all of those who are participating in these important programs, and we wish you good luck with your bids!
Item delivery: After you've paid for any auction items that you've won, Anna Hyde Babington - with Diversity Connection, LLC will contact you to coordinate delivery. Should you have any questions, you may reach out to her via email at diversityconn@aol.com